Pinecone Birdfeeder

Debi at Go Explore Nature inspired Patrick and I to make a pinecone birdfeeder – covering a pinecone in peanut butter and then rolling it with birdseed.

Pine cone bird feeder with peanut butter and seeds

Pine cone bird feeder with peanut butter and seeds

It got more attention then we thought it would. While the House Sparrows and Black-capped and Chestnut-backed Chickadees got seed, this chickadee saw something more useful (material for a nest):

Sneaky chickadee

Sneaky chickadee

We made some others. One got the attention of a squirrel:

That pine cone bird feeder is not for you, squirrel!

That pine cone bird feeder is not for you, squirrel!

And a Stellar’s Jay, too!

Stellar's Jay

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3 Responses to Pinecone Birdfeeder

  1. Debi says:

    Yay! I wish ours had attracted such an array of critters! Good work! 🙂

  2. darwinsbulldog says:


  3. Ha! Love the bewhiskered chickadee!

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