My 7 Super Shots: ‘i am nature’

Debi of Go Explore Nature tagged me with this photo meme, called “My 7 Super Shots.” The task is to pick photos that emulate the different categories (here is the original post with the rules). I immediately thought of a series of photos that I posted on my Flickr page last year but had not shared here on EPNA. Each photo is of Patrick connecting to nature in some way and bears the phrase “i am nature.” I decided not to describe each photo for you. They all mean something special to me, but maybe you will see something different in them. Enjoy!

A photo that takes my breath away:

Muddy Boots Family Nature Club at Tryon Creek State Park

A photo that makes me laugh or smile:

Leaf rest

A photo that makes me dream:

Smith and Bybee Wetlands

A photo that makes me think:

Marquam Trail, Portland, OR

A photo that makes my mouth water:

Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR

A photo that tells a story:

Elk Rock Island

A photo that I am most proud of (aka my worthy-of-National Geographic shot):

"S" for Salamander - Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge

I am now tasked with tagged 5 other bloggers to participate, and they are:
Whirlpool of Life
the Nature of Portlandposted!
Wild Pacific Northwest
The Wandering Herpetologistposted!
Tweets & Tree Frogs

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11 Responses to My 7 Super Shots: ‘i am nature’

  1. Renee Crowell says:

    This is great, Michael! Love the photos!

  2. pdxnaturenut says:

    Awesome shots, Michael, and thanks for the tag! Gotta love a nature photo challenge. I’ll see what I can come up with…

  3. Sara Viernum says:

    Gotta love those salamanders! I’ll see what photos I can come up with. 🙂

  4. kboehnlein says:

    What awesome photos!!! I especially love the one of the long toed salamander. I saw a few of them at Oaks Bottom today…amphibians are very cool.

    I had a question for you as well. Since you and your son are constantly exploring Portland’s natural areas, I thought you could help me with a task. I am writing an article for NW Kids Magazine highlighting family-friendly parks in the area. I have some ideas about what places I would like to write about, but I wanted to poll some families that I know about their favorite places to take their kids. Where are your favorite places to take your son and why??

    Thanks so much!

  5. These are amazing shots, Michael – I’m so glad you decided to play along! 🙂

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